Instructions for root certificate installation (download root certificate through Mozila Firefox)

Reference num. 3299 Views: 2096

You will need a root certificate when Windows does not have enough information to verify your digital certificate information and the portal/signature component requires a locally verified certificate. If you do not know which root certificate to install, check the instructions here.


Download the Halcom CA PO e-signature 1.cer or Halcom CA PO 3.cer file from the POLICIES AND DOCUMENTS webpage by clicking ADVANCED QUALIFIED DIGITAL CERTIFICATES FOR LEGAL ENTITIES and after that on the blue-colored certificate title or download button in the table, as shown below.


Save the file on your computer.


Search for Options in your browser’s menu in the top right corner.


Go to Options -> Privacy & Security.


Move to the bottom of the page and click View Certificates.


Open in a new window and go to the Authorities tab, and click Import.


Open in a new window and go to the Downloads tab. Mark the file Halcom CA PO 3.cer or Halcom CA PO e-signature 1.cer and confirm by clicking Open.


Confirm the below notification by clicking OK.


If you have correctly added the root certificate, one of the following will appear in the Digital Certificate Overview: Halcom d.d., Halcom CA PO e-signature 1 or Halcom CA PO 3.