Where does the Hal E-Bank save data? What about database backups?

Reference num. 2186 Views: 1712

We are usually not aware of the importance of making backups until we are faced with data loss. By then it is usually too late. Statistics show that in using the Hal E-Bank program data loss is most frequently caused by hardware failure (hard disk) and sometimes by database malfunctions.

The responsibility for backing up the database is on the user’s side!

The process of backing up a database depends on the type of Hal E-Bank program you are using.

  • Program Hal E-Bank /Personal:

The Hal E-Bank/Personal stores all data locally on the computer in the files PersonalEBank.mdb and Eimenik.mdb or Eimenik.accdb, Personalebank.accdb, PersonalEbank.ini and .ebankAuthentication.dat. The files are stored in the program folder (usually C:\Program Files\Halcom\Personal E-Bank). To prevent the possibility of data loss, you should periodically save these files to a safe location. To copy the databases to a new installation, please follow the instructions here.

  • Hal E-Bank /Corporate:

Hal E-Bank /Corporate stores all data in a common database, the IBM DB2 database. E-invoices are stored in a depository. To set the periodic backing up contact Halcom helpdesk on helpdesk@halcom.si or 01/200 33 69, weekdays from 8:00 to 16:30.